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TrueType Free Fonts Download | Eagle Fonts The best free font database

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Download free fonts from Biggest searchable database of free TrueType fonts, available in TrueType format for Windows & Mac. Preview fonts by typing your own text. We have handpicked and organized more than 20,000 free fonts into special categories including 115 foreign languages.

Let the eagle do your font search from now on... Set your default font color using "Quick Paint" option from the navigation bar. If you would like to have more precise control over your settings, then you can use the "Custom Settings" panel from the site header. Use "Download Box" option below your font preview to select and separate your favourite fonts to a custom defined folder from where you can later download the entire collection as a single ZIP file or share it with your friends online.

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All fonts on the EagleFonts site remain copyright of their respective owners. All fonts can be found elsewhere on the Internet, either as individual fonts or as complete font sets and are believed to be in the public domain. If you find any font on EagleFonts for which you are the copyright holder, under the conditions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act you may submit a Take-down Request by clicking the red flag beside the font name on the font's detailed view page. We will endeavour to investigate your request and take the appropriate action ASAP.