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Futura ND
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Futura ND.ttf font from category F. Available in TrueType format (.TTF) for Windows & Mac. Preview Futura ND font by typing your own text. Download free fonts from Featured Fonts


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Futura ND TrueType Font - General Information

File size: 47.7 KB
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Font Family nameFutura ND
Font Subfamily nameMedium
Unique font identifierNeufville Digital: Futura ND Medium: September 2002
Full font nameFutura ND
Version stringVersion 1.11
Postscript nameFuturaND-Medium
TrademarkFutura is a registered trademark of Bauer Types SA. Unauthorised use prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Neufville Digital is a trademark of Visualogik, used with the permission of Neufville SL.
Manufacturer NameNeufville Digital
DesignerPaul Renner (1928)
DescriptionPaul Renner (1878-1956) was a painter, typographer, typeface designer and teacher. Between 1908 and 1917 he designed thousands of books for Munich publishers in a refined traditional style. In the early 1920s he began to support the modern styles of architecture and typography, becoming a leading proponent of the New Typography. Renner is best known for designing the typeface Futura, which became a standard tool for the New Typography, and remains a popular typeface today. Futura does give a restful, almost bland impression, which accords with Renner's objectives. Futura seems classical, not only due to the form of its capitals, but also to the open, wide forms of the geometrical small letters. The typeface relies on notions of classical, yet contemporary form, - harmony and evenness of texture. Thanks to the modern digital technology Futura lives on in a greater variety than ever, offering a wide choice of typographic solutions for contemporary design in the new millennium.
URL Vendorhttp://www.neufville.com
URL Designerhttp://www.neufville.com
License descriptionBonus font included in IndieFonts2, 2003 DO NOT REDISTRIBUTE! THIS SOFTWARE IS LICENSED, NOT SOLD. ------------------------------------------------- Please note that by using this software you are bound to the terms of the license agreement: You may create a single backup copy for your own use, but you are not allowed to transfer the software to a third party. Third parties, service bureaux and other suppliers must apply for a separate license agreement. Unauthorised use prohibited. ------------------------------------------------- For full licensing terms consult your systems administrator or click the URL below: The digitally encoded machine readable outline data for producing the typefaces licensed to you is copyrighted (c), 1999, 2002 by and the property of Visualogik, a subsidiary of VISINOVA bv.



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